niox test results
A FeNO value of 50 ppb in an adult or 35 ppb in a child shows that airway inflammation is likely and the patient should respond well to treatment with inhaled corticosteroids ICS. The 10-second test mode is for age 7 and up. Niox Vero Circassia Mcarthur Medical Sales Inc Found this quote so if correct your results are within normal range. . It could also mean that you have allergic asthma. NIOX VERO cannot be used with infants or by children under the age of 7 as measurement requires patient cooperation. With NIOX VERO testing FeNO is as simple as inhaling and exhaling. NIOX VERO can be operated in two exhalation modes 10 seconds or 6 seconds. The results from two complementary groups of children and teenagers indicate that the reproducibility of NIOX MINO measurements across the paediatric age range is poor when considering the absolute value FeNO but is acceptable when FeNO values are categorised as low normal intermedia...